Mesopotamia Water is Key to the Future .. A Specialized Lecture Organized by RCD
In order to create public opinion to arise the awareness of public opinion to maintain and develop the country's economic resources, RCD organized a lecture entitled (Mesopotamia Water: the Key to the Future).
In order to arise the awareness of public opinion to maintain and develop the country's economic resources, RCD organized a lecture entitled (Mesopotamia Water: the Key to the Future), delivered by Dr. Hassan Janabi, Minister of Water Resources, in the presence of a number of members of the Parliament and Najaf provincial council, directors of some relevant departments, a selection of academics and researchers with media coverage in the province. The lecture focused on the fragility of the water system currently in Iraq, explaining that country is living a phase different from all previous ones, and the inability of Iraq to recover all water bodies lost during the period of the former regime, called for efforts to achieve water security through agreements with the neighboring countries and taking into account the sustainable development of existing water facilities. The discussion was opened with the Minister by attendees who addressed many sensitive topics such as the reclamation of areas around the Najaf sea and Lake Sawah, ways to revive fisheries, as well as how to overcome the epidemics that threaten the future of water such as the Water Hyacinths and Ceratophyllum and others. For his part, Dr. Hassan Al-Janabi reacted positively to these notes, expressing his admiration for the organizational and cultural level of this event.