At Al-Salam hall in the headquarters of al-Rafidain Center for Dialogue (RCD) in the holy city of Najaf, a discussion session has held, entitled: “National Security in Iraq: Strategies and Development Mechanisms”, moderated by Dr. Aqeel Al-Khaqani, and attended by a group of security leaders and specialists in political and academic fields. During the session, the General Nasir Al-Zubaidi, Former Head of Iraqi Intelligence, delivered an important lecture that began with a brief historical overview about the political changes and the founding of Iraqi State from monarchy through the republic to the political process that started in 2003. He also pointed out to the role of the external factor, and the political regime change through military coup, and the potential of the current political system. Moreover, he said that what matters to us in this phase is the political cohesion and stability, as well as the necessity to avoid the process of sudden changes.

Furthermore, he pointed out that among the problems that we face in this phase are the national identity, the prevailing culture of democracy, the economical welfare, and the duration of this transitional period. He also clarified that the proliferation of regimes has created political and economic instability, produced a crystallization of political theory of state, and led to a continued access to power by parties. Moreover, the wars in the former regime have led to the destruction of economy and infrastructure, which led Iraq to lose its position as a strategic power in the region, and lack its real ability to control its future and influence the external environment due to the misperception. Also, he said that many of the reasons behind the lack of strategic vision, are the terrorism, corruption and failure to perfectly employ the national resources and utilize the international support.

This session comes within a series of important sessions that RCD ensures to organize in his headquarter in the holy city of Najaf, to be crowned later with RCD Forum specialized in security and economy, which will be held in September of this year in the capital Baghdad.