Iraq is at a crossroad, as events are dramatically increasing, alongside with expected victory against terrorism that can lead to a post-ISIS new era in the country and the region in general. In addition, several topics were discussed during the week, including the Iraqi Parliament Council voting on Iraqi flag raising over the offices and institutions of Kirkuk province. Moreover, emphasis was placed on the importance of developing plans to reconstruct the liberated areas and return the IDPs after eliminating terrorism and purifying the Iraqi land of the criminals’ impurity to secure the IDPs’ return.


In addition, discussions were made about the visit of US President’s brother in law to one of the militant bases close to Mosul, which was analyzed within different views including that this visit is an emphasis on the strong presence of the US in Iraq, while others see that the visit is an attempt to deliver a message to those who are trying to get closer to Iraq through fighting ISIS and cut them off.






·         There is a weakness in the Iraqi decision making processes, which is reflected negatively on resolving many pending issues in the country.


·         Iraq is going through a recovery period from several crises including the terrorism crisis, and the economic crisis that was the result of the international low oil prices.


·         Post-ISIS period is important and tainted with a considerable uncertainty because all eyes are on fighting against terrorism now.


·         Iraqi economy suffers from huge problems in defining its identity, which is the foundation of the success of the economic activities sponsored by the state.


·         There are negative cultural and social effects resulted from the period of the terrorist ISIS and its domination over important territories of Iraq, which can lead to dangerous consequences in the Iraqi society.






·         The government should work on designing a state’s decision support system to facilitate the decision making process within the Iraqi government’s works.


·         All the compelling circumstances that Iraq went through should be a raw material to develop plans and anticipations to prevent the reoccurrence of such circumstances.


·         Among the necessary things that should be done on parallel to the liberation of the national territory is the development of plans and organization of the different security, social and economic relations of all liberated territories after ISIS.


·         Economic foundations must be established, on which the country’s economy operates to clarify the future directions towards which it moves.


·         The Iraqi civilian community organizations should work on developing programs that support the government in facing and addressing the negative effects resulted from the terrorism in the Iraqi society.




Names of some participants during the week’s dialogue:


(1)   Dr. Hashim Al-Abadi


(2)   Mr. Jawad Al-Attar


(3)   Dr. Wathiq Al-Hashemi


(4)   Mr. Farouq Al-Ghazali


(5)   Mr. Hussam Al-Ghazali


(6)   Mr. Sami Al-Askari


(7)   Dr. Sabah Zangana


(8)   Dr. Azzam Alloush