“We will not use our army against our people”, a great address by Mr. Prime Minister Dr. Haider al-Abadi, with an emphasis by many on the importance of supporting his balanced and unreactive policy, as evidenced by the agreement of all neighboring and foreign states on his policy because he worked wisely. Some inquired about the next step that Baghdad will take in the face of the referendum, and some think that the constitution negates the previous agreements that date back to the opposition era such as the right to self-determination and other concepts. Meanwhile, the challenging and provocative manner of the Kurdish leadership indicates the weakness in its strategic vision due to the lack of positive interaction with the current reasonability of the Center.


Others emphasized the dominance of the ignorance management and its impact on the sociology of the Kurdish people, and the promotion of ignorance by external powers as an intellectual product. They have succeeded in making the political decision maker one of the ignorance tool without his knowledge, and promoting the contentious issues and eliminating tolerance between the Center and the Region in particular and among the rest of components in general. Some stressed on the necessity not to forget the injustice and oppression suffered by Kurds during the former subsequent regimes just like the rest of components of Iraqi people.




·         There is a widespread thought about the bias of others to their minorities and beliefs, which leads to an intellectual confusion that prevents convergence among the components, and a prevalence of grievance by all Iraqi parties.


·         The Iraqi Islamic political parties in Iraq adopts an apologetic approach, blaming invisible hands for the mistakes and failures of 14 years of governing the Iraqi state.


·         There is a semi-state vengeance by the Kurds against today’s Baghdad, for the tyranny and oppression imposed by the former government against them, which was reflected on the shape of their tense discourses that mostly lack resilience and dialogue.


·         The central government’s measures are meant to face the regional policy, and they are not targeting the Kurdish people, but rather they aim to protect them.


·         Including Iraq among the low-lying states in the freedom of the press, due to the superficial freedom of the Iraqi press and the exclusion of some personalities and topics out of the reach of criticism and media publishing.








·         No one can impose their beliefs on any of the components of people, and the State must be neutral without a religious or national bias, while respecting the subsidiary identities of the Iraqi society. Also, all the partners must live under the State’s tent, and be tied in one social contract, according to which the diversity of the Iraqi society must be managed.


·         The Islamic political parties must be up to the responsibility in their apologetic discourses, and be courageous enough to admit their mistakes, while avoid denying the external interventions and the exceptional circumstances during their years in power.


·         It is better for the Kurds to deal with the government of Dr. Haider Al-Abadi in a spirit of cooperation away from challenge and escalation, as Baghdad’s government is now more understanding and inclusive during the current period and the former periods in governing Iraq.


·         Achieving a real and effective solution on the ground entails reciprocal steps, and in case this is not achieved, the situation between Baghdad and the Region will be governed by “all or nothing” rule.


·         The freedom of the press in Iraq must be real, which is a participative matter between the government and its role in preserving the rights of journalists and protecting them, and the Media organization’s duty to be more professional and not ideologized.


Names of some participating members during the week's:


(1)   Dr. Yousef Al-Taai


(2)   Dr. Abd Thiyab Al-Ajili


(3)   Sheikh Adnan Al-Shahmani


(4)   Mr. Mushreq Abbas


(5)   Mr. Karim Al-Nouri


(6)   Dr. Lukman Al-Fili


(7)   Mr. Abdullah Al-Zaidi


(8)   Mr. Ali Al-Farhood


(9)   Mr. Haider Hamada


(10)  Dr. Azzam Alloush


(11)  Mr. Husam Al-Ghazali


(12)  Mr. Abdulhalim Al-Samarra’i