Among the dangerous economic phenomenon suffered by Iraq is the inflation that may cause big problems during the upcoming years, due to the increasing rate of inflation accumulatively. This was evident in the statement of the Ministry of Planning, clarifying that the rate of annual inflation increased by 0.8% during November 2018. Some pointed out to the importance of developing economic plans and programs to face this phenomenon.


In addition, others emphasized that the oil prices are no longer subject to the economic changes only, rather the main factor that motivates them is the politics and the agreements among the states involved in flooding the market with huge quantities of production that cause a decline in the oil prices, which proves that the issue is political; however, it is operated by economic tools.




·         The Iraqi economic environment witnesses a steady rise in the inflation rates that will reflect on the actual value of the citizens’ incomes.


·         The unilateral economy is the description associated with the Iraqi economy, which may lead to bad consequences on the country’s future due to the fluctuations of the international oil prices suddenly.


·         There are predictions of the possibility that the oil prices will decrease in the future in a way that affects the Iraqi economic system hugely, since Iraq depends on the oil as the only source of the national revenue.


·         The authority and the control among the states depend on the level of the power of the state economy and its stability that affects, necessarily, the diplomatic relations and alliances that the states hold among each other.


·         There is no measurement of Iraq’s relations with the states of the world to define the priorities that must be adopted by the Iraqi government in its dealing with those states.




·         There are financial mechanisms and tools that can be used within the economic policies of the country to limit the inflation phenomenon; however, they need a government environment that can be a base to those policies based on economic strategic plans.


·         The Iraqi government must define an assumed price for the oil barrel through which the public budget of the country can be prepared. In case of an increase in the oil prices above that price, a parallel budget can be established to fund the quick-revenue investments.


·         It is necessary to prepare operational budget that takes into consideration the activation of the other non-oil economic sectors, especially the agricultural and industrial sectors.


·         Iraq must make international agreements and alliances with the states of the world that can achieve various benefits to it, through exchanging interests with those states.


·         The Iraqi government must work to crease a balance between its relations with the world states and the interests of Iraq in a way that guarantees the achievement of the latter, with the necessity to keep good relations with everyone.


Names of some participating members during the week’s dialogue:


(1)    Dr. Abd Al-Zahra Al-Hindawi


(2)    Mr. Hamza Al-Jawahiri


(3)    Mr. Shwan Al-Dawoodi


(4)    Mr. Abdullah Al-Kharbit


(5)    R. Ali Al-Musawi


(6)    Mr. Husam Al-Ghazali


(7)    Mr. Salah Al-Arbawi


(8)    Mr. Nassar Al-Haj


(9)    Mr. Alaa Al-Hattab


(10)Dr. Azzam Alloush


(11)Mr. Osama Al-Quraishi


(12)Mr. Farazdaq Al-Sakban


What is contained in this paper is a summary of the proposed opinions in the electronic groups of RCD.